Ankle Sprains - Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

by Dan Lambourne

Ankle Sprains - Symptoms, Treatment and Recovery Time image

How do I know if I've Sprained my Ankle?

A sprained ankle is a very common injury which can make walking and resuming normal activities difficult. It can happen when you twist or turn your foot beyond its normal range of movement (people often say 'I've gone over’ my ankle). This can cause the ligaments that support your ankle joint to stretch and tear.  Ligaments are bands of fibrous tissue that connect one bone to another. You'll be more likely to have an ankle sprain if you play a lot of sport or if you've had a bad fall.How do I know if my ankle is sprained? The House Clinics, Bristol

Although very painful, the good news is that most ankle sprains heal well, and especially so, if you seek early treatment from your Physiotherapist or Chiropractor - speeding up your recovery time and helping you to get back to normal again. A bad sprain can take up to 12 weeks to heal, but seeking treatment can significantly reduce the time you're out of action.


Common Symptoms of a Sprained Ankle

Your symptoms will depend on the severity of the injury; you may experience some or all of the following

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising/Contusion
  • Reduced range of movement
  • Inability to weight bear
  • An audible "pop" (only in the most severe of cases!)


Should I get it seen?

Definitely! Up to 50% of minor sprains can lead to an ongoing weakness and repeat sprains in the future. Treatment here at The House Clinics, will not only relieve your current symptoms, but also help to break down any scar tissue from the torn ligaments, strengthen the muscles around the ankle joint, and reduce the risk of ongoing weakness of the ankle - particularly if you enjoy playing sport and need to stay fit!

There are three grades of ankle sprain. As a guide, if you feel your symptoms fall into either grade 2 or 3, you should get it seen and seek treatment. If it is a slight sprain (grade 1) you can probably treat it at home with ice and plenty of rest.


  • A grade I sprain is a mild sprain, in which the ligament will have been stretched. You may have mild swelling, a little bruising and pain around your ankle.  You should still be able to put some weight on your foot.


  • A grade 2 sprain is a moderate sprain; the ligament will be sretched with a partial tear. You may have quite a lot of swelling and bruising, and moderate pain around your ankle. It will be difficult to put weight on your foot.


  • A grade 3 sprain is a severe sprain; the ligament is completely torn. The swelling, bruising and pain around your ankle will be severe. Your ankle may feel quite unstable and you won’t be able to put any weight on your foot without experiencing a lot of pain.


Where and How Can It Be Treated?

The sooner you get professional advice for your sprained ankle the better. However, if you find yourself suffering from frequent ankle rolling or are struggling with an historical ankle injury, we can still help.  We can offer the following different treatments, and after your initial assessment and diagnosis, one or a combination may be advised...

  • Prescribed exercises

  • Manual joint adjustmentTreatment for a sprained ankle at The House Clinics, Bristol

  • Electrotherapy

  • Massage

  • Dry Needling

  • Taping

  • Supportive Orthotics


So to find out how The House Clinics can help you with your rehabilitation process, or for no obligation advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be 

more than happy to help you.

Call us directly on 0117 9420200 or book online through our website at




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